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Toplam 2 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1
 %  18
Trade Finance İn Turkey
This book is focusing on the concept of trade finance with special emphasis on capital flows for the emerging market of Turkey in such a period of defined by volatility and full of dilemmas. The motivation is to provide a thorough analysis on trade finance in Turkey by taking into account two strands of literature that are emerging as the most powerful out of this turmoil period: measurement errors and unconventional econometric tools. After a brief introduction of the Turkish experience, the rather unconve
164 TL. 200 TL.
 %  18
Polish Consumer Sentiment Indices
Economics is a social science that tries to understand the fundamentals of human behavior through means of demand-supply, production-consumption, profit-utility and many other pairs of notations. In the meantime, economics is at best at its' infant stage with so many unknowns that are classified under different jargons like risk and uncertainty depending on the perspective of the economic school of thought that examines the question at hand. However, the addition of macroeconomics to economics by Keynes and
147.6 TL. 180 TL.
Sıralama : Göster :
Toplam 2 kayıt bulunmuştur Gösterilen 1-20 / Aktif Sayfa : 1